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Built for Backroads Logo


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driver-focused cars for sale.

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Tell us about your car. If it is a good fit, we will list it on our website within 3 days. No seller or buyer fees.

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Basic requirements

Street Cars
  • ·Clean title
  • ·3-pedal manual
  • ·Typically under 150k miles
Track Cars
  • ·Clean, rebuilt, or salvage title
  • ·3-pedal manual
  • ·Typically has a roll bar or cage

Finishing up

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We’ll respond to your car submission within 24 hours.

1. Listing contact

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2. Car information

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3. Details & price


Pricing well from the start helps ensure your car sells quickly. New listings get the most attention because they are at the top of our website and Instagram.

4. Photos

5. Car description

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  • 100 photos per submission
  • 15 MB per photo
  • jpeg, jpg, png, webp, heic, heif, pdf, txt, doc, xls

    Contact support@builtforbackroads.com to upload videos or larger photos.